103 Failed to read document. Try increasing your disk cache size
108 (right button for options)
109 1.1
110 Netscape PenOp Plug-In
111 Netscape failed to fetch the URL name of the embedding document
112 Netscape failed to fetch the URL of the embedding document
113 Sign Again
114 Are you sure you want to sign again?
115 An error occurred trying to URL encode the biometric token
116 An error occurred whilst attempting to open a temporary file
117 Network error POSTing to '%s'
118 Unable to read file from cache. This is because :\nYou don't have a configured Netscape disk cache\nThe document was flushed from cache. Try reloading
119 The cache directory for Netscape could not be determined. You may have problems signing documents
120 Warning
121 Cannot sign - The embedding document did not specify a reason for signing
122 Your user name and email address have not been specified.\nBefore signing with PenOp, you must specify a\nname and e-mail address in Mail and News Preferences.
123 You cannot capture or view PenOp biometric tokens in 'full-screen' mode
124 You cannot print PenOp biometric tokens in 'full-screen' mode
125 PenOp CDF(*.CDF)|*.cdf|
126 Save PenOp Biometric Token As...
127 Failed to export data to file. Check disk space
128 failed to open specified file
129 Click to sign using PenOp
130 Click to interrogate captured PenOp signature
131 Loading PenOp Plug-In
132 Ready
133 Reading Biometric Token
134 Reading document binding information
135 Printing Biometric Token...
136 Your installation of PenOp/Base should be at least v%d.%02d. You should obtain an upgrade from http://www.penop.com before proceeding
137 Network Error Sending to %s
138 User Cancelled send to %s
139 Unknown Error sending to %s
200 Let me sign again...
201 Sign...
202 Interrogate...
203 Properties...
204 Show the signed document...
205 Show the document to be signed...
206 About PenOp«
207 Help
208 Save as file...
209 Submit signature to server...
300 Database opened successfully
301 PENOP.INI contains an invalid licence string
302 The PenOp database is incorrectly configured
303 The PenOp database could not be opened. Check the PENOP.INI file for correct values
304 The TID entry in penop.ini must be 4
305 Error connection to PenOp databaswe server
306 Your license string only allows signature capture